2015-2020ish 5.3/6.2L Ultimate Full AFM Delete Kit
I have taken special care to come up with a kit including ALL parts needed to delete AFM in your Direct injection GM V8 truck/SUV. (If you want a custom camshaft or have a car PM me.). I have had enough request now that I feel it's time to do so. This is not your average AFM delete kit with the bare minimum parts. I will be including all the parts every other place does but I won't stop there. I will also include things like spark plugs, manifold bolts, HD timing chain, Timing tensioner, Oil pan gasket and more. I even upgrade the pushrods that are prone to interference and failure. See the full list below for more details. Don't forget to check all options availible.
The 6.2 option is listed as a BTR cam. However, it may come with either a BTR or Texas Speed cam Depending on availability.
Aditional Info
The reason I am including the oil pan gasket is to do the timing chain and tensioner. The only way to replace these is to pull the oil pan. May as well while doing this job fix the Tensioner failure issue. You may notice I didn't includ an intake gasket, this is because typically speaking they are reuasble. You will have to check the condition of yours.
Don't forget to have AFM disabled in the tune. I recomend LT1swap.com for this service.
Best of luck on your project and hopefully it all goes smoothly!!
Video That I never pulled the pan. First LT based delete I performed. https://youtu.be/2Za2n-87-Sw
Shipping only for USA and Canada customers. If outside the USA you need to Message me so I can find Rates. Canada customers may see additional customs duty and tax fees after receving products. Look into your local regulations and fee's for more information. Image Is a generic Image and actuall product may vary.
Included Parts
Basic Things
-NON AFM camshaft
-AFM Oil Tower Plugs for under Valley cover
-NON AFM Lifter Guides
-x16 NON AFM LS7 Style lifters
-Camshaft TTY Valve/bolt
-Balancer TTY Bolt
-Valve Cover Gasket
-Head Bolts
-Head Gaskets
-Timing Cover Gasket Kit
-Exhaust Manifold Gasket
-Valley Cover Gasket
Often Not Included Elswhere
-Camshaft Plate w/gasket
-Valve Stem Seals
-Spark Plugs
-Exhaust Manifold Bolt Kit
-HD Timing Chain
-Timing Tensioner
-Oil pan gasket Kit
-Oil Filter
-Fuel injector Seal Kit
-Fuel Pump Gasket
-High Pressure Fuel Lines
-Upgraded Pushrods to eliminate interferance (Optional But Highly recomended)
-My custom VLOM plug in case Your VLOM Leaks
-Guidance sheets including TQ specs