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Ouch, that was a bad one.
I love Chevy Trucks. With just 3 working cilynders the truck still drove. Did a full DOD delete, lets see now long this fix will last. Thanks for the all the help and support. 😎
Did it get stuck open or stuck collapsed? With the system shut off a collapse shouldn't happen. If it does I would be concerned about a lifter rotating in the plastic guild.
My 2007 Surburban story. I found Goldie on Ebay back in 2015. I had a colalasped lifter about 2 years ago after a long trip. Dealership said new engine, I found Crazed Performance and the lifter reset tool. I used it to fix my intake lifter #4 in just a few hours. That one is still good.
About 5,000 miles later, intake #7 stuck or colaspased. I tried to reset it but the bolt to the rocker was striped (someone was here before). Pulled the head, cleaned the oil mess up and replaced the lifters on the left side. Replaced the head, 1 new rock and bolted it back to geather. No more miss fires, but now I have a lifter trick or connecting rod knock. I needed the truck to drive cross country in the next few days, so I just took her.
Changed the oil in O Fallon, about 1000 miles into the trip hoping to help the ticker. No good. About 1000 miles and lifter 7 stuck with intake wide open.
Now I have driven with this intake open for more than another 1000 miles. I have 2000 more to go before I get back to my shop.
This lifter has fixed it's self a few times over the last 4 months, but only for a few minutes or until the rpms are over 4k.
I'm sure I can fix it with some break clean and the new reset tool.
As soon as I get close to getting back I will order the reset tool and the lifter journal cleaning tool. I think if I had used the journal cleaning tool I wouldn't been here with a stuck #7 Intake.
More to more.
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