i have a 2014 Silverado with 5.3L AFM and after releasing the lifter and completing the VLOM modification. It worked but now the Oil pressure is around 15psI. I also replaced the fuel pump, fuel injectors w/rail, PCV valve and oil pressure sensor. Any suggestions?
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Well, the VLOM only flows oil during AFM activation. However, that part where the sensor is plugged into actually goes into the main oil galley at the top of the engine. This is so that I can read engine oil pressure and the part the vlom plug blocks off, is the part that feeds from the main oil galley to the solenoids in the VLOM.
If you had it running with sensor out there should have been oil shooting out. Hmm, something tells me the hole is blocked or something.
Taking several hours to get the injectors out made it a priority to clean out the holes
Hopefully you cleaned out injector holes in the head. They tend to corrode and when you try to slide new seals in It tears the seals.
ok. I think I can do that. Thanks! Your videos have been great! I don’t normally work on vehicles but you helped build my confidence to tackle the task. Only slight difference was the VLOM requiring the fuel pump and injectors to be removed to get the VLOM out. The injectors were stuck and I bent the rails Trying to get them out which was fine because they needed replaced too.
Thanks, again! You were very helpful!!
Only if you take proper precautions and nothing is in your way. You will need to add slight positive pressure to oil system before drilling so any debris is pushed out. You could do this by pulling the plug you installed VLOM plug from and adding small amount of shop air while drilling.
Crap! I failed to drill the hole. Do u think I can drill hole into the plug without removing it?
That's the direct injection model. There were VLOM plug instructions that should have came with your kit. On those models you need to make sure the sensor can access the oil galley past the VLOM plug. If it can't a small hole needs to be installed per the instructions. Did you check that the sensor could read oil pressure?
Also my VLOM Is different. The fuel pump sits on top of it.