#4 intake rocker don't move when running ,but when I turn the engine over manually , both rockers move normal. Both rockers are tight when not running, Is there a problem with the VLOM . Exhaust rocker moves when running.
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I cranked the engine with key off , both rockers move after 6 cranks, however you said the vlom must be on, how I do that?
Not likely. If the VLOM was the issue it would effect both lifters on that cylinder since there is one solenoid per AFM cylinder. You most likely have a spun lifter, using the starter relay with the key off, spin the engine over. Make sure not to jump the wrong terminals as it could damage the ECM. (Vlom Must be on for this test). While it is spinning watch the suspected rocker move. Make sure that it rocks at least 6 to 7 times before you let up on the starter. If one rocker stops moving before then it is getting fed oil pressure and is likely spun. You can determine this by looking at the side of the lifter. To see the side of the lifter you need to pull the VLOM and clean out the oil tower of the suspected lifter with cleaner and shop air. Once cleaned you can look down the oil tower and if you see a hole in the lifter it is not spun. If however you see only shiny metal or a flat surface then the lifter has spun due to a bad plastic lifter guide. When this happens you will need to replace the camshaft and all lifters. This would be a good time to do a full AFM/DOD delete where you remove all AFM components and replace them with non AFM components.
I do now offer AFM delete kits for select models. Be sure to check my website for your engine.