I removed passenger side valve cover, and hand cranked the motor. I found #6 loose and not moving. I thought I heard tapping coming from both sides. Is there a possibility that two AMF lifters will stick?
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Just a lil follow up. It was #6 intake. I hummed the Fibonacci sececence for ten minutes, tapping hard, not so hard rapidly, 1, 1, 3, 5,8,13. taps per session. Trying to produce a spiral of vibrations. It worked. Push rod shot out. Reset the pushrod /lifter with tinks until it tonked. Checked the work, and $$$$$$$$$$.
Boom Booyah. Reusing old gaskets, they look non degraded. The op loss was 6loose VLOm bolts. Cut the inside gaskets out of the gasket, will mod valve cover, awaiting ECU from LS1. Probably be running tomorrow.