Hi folks. I had the ECM reprogrammed for full time 8 cylinder mode and as advised in the faq, I’m getting a lean bank 1 and bank 2 code. I need to have the relearn procedure done with a scanner, but my scanner isn’t high enough quality to do this. Anybody have suggestions which scanner I can get that won’t break the bank, yet will allow me to do this? My truck is an 08 with the 5.3l engine. Thanks!
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Problem solved. I found a cracked pcv boot, replaced it with a piece of clean hose and the rough idle went away, the long and short term fuel trims returned to normal and the check engine light stays out when reset. We're good to go. I did relearn the idle since it was hovering a bit higher than I'd like (900). It calmed down afterwards to 500-550 and is smooth as glass. I needed some justification for the new scan tool anyway, so no harm, no foul.
Shoot lt1swap a email and ask him about it. He might know something more than I would since he did the tune. Perhaps this has happened before and he can guide you what the next steps are. Could just be a glitch when he reflashed the ECM.
Lol, yup definitely a good excuse... Did you use lt1swap.com for the tune?
Not sure what relearn you would need. Was a ECM AFM tune out the only thing you did? Have you checked for a vacuum leak somewhere yet? What are your long term fuel trims doing?