Special thank you to crazed performace repair for the amaizng knoledge and help with this issue.
Hey Guys I just got doing the Lifter Release on and VLOM plug because I was having a miss fire on cylinder 4. It fired up with no issues. Yeeehaaa!
I took it on a long drive today after clearing the codes. Every so often I get the traction control warning saying it has been turned off and I feel the slugishness. At around 50 miles. I got 4 codes. P0174, System to lean (Bank 2), P0171 Fuel Trim system Lean, P0171 System Too Lean (Bank2), P0171 Fuel Trim System Lean, P3400 Cylindeer Deactivation System DTC.
At this time the trasmistion was shifting hard from 1-2 gear.
I cleared the code let the engine rest/ cool down for about 2 hours and drove it about 30 miles with no issues. I still need to drive it another 60 miles before I can get the car insprected.
Would buying the reprograming help with this issue? Any other things im missing?